Saturday, 28 June 2014

I found more yellow

More mellow yellow June blocks for the RSC Sampler. I made these today along with carting a couple of boxes of books to the studio.

I love the Alamo Star, and think it's my favourite block so far. Why?  Not because my seams are perfect because they aren't.  Because I got to use my new Tri Recs ruler to make it, and because when I first started quilting I joined an online group called Southern Cross Quilters, and this block is their logo.

I had loads of trouble with the framed 4-patch which should be really simple.  I had the wrong dimensions, then I adjusted them, but it still turned out too large.   Nothing a little trimming wouldn't fix though.


  1. Lovely blocks. So sorry you had trouble with the partial seam, but on the upside, the Alamo Star look great!

  2. Nice blocks Deb. One of the ladies in my first ever quilt group used to belong to the SCQs. She was always talking about them.

  3. I don't do small truly admire yours! I agree with you that yellow really adds a pop to our RSC collection!

  4. Great looking blocks. Nice to put a colour aside and look forward to a new one.

  5. Blocks are looking good!


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My sewing at the moment seems to be focused on a couple of quilt-a-long projects I've joined. For a while now I've wanted to use u...