So 2015 has been and gone, thank goodness. I didn't get much quilting done last year but I plan for that to be different in 2016. I've begun by working on a few different projects because that seems to be the way that I enjoy quilting the most.
Scrappy Stars - these are inspired by Angela's Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I love making wonky star blocks and have pieced the around other bits of quilting. They make me smile. In 2014 and I did Angela's Rainbow Scrap Sampler which is still blocks, and ideas for sashing, but I learned so much from that project. You can see the Challenge
here along with what others are doing this year.
Allietare - Bonnie Hunter's latest mystery quilt available for a short time on her
blog where you see lots of different versions of this. I have (just today, whoop whoop) finished all my blocks. I'm going to square the quilt off by adding an extra row so it will be a while before it all goes together.
Garden House - hmm this is a washed out photo taken back in June when my BFF and I went to the beach for a week of sewing. These past couple of weeks I've done some more work on these blocks. I remade the house block to fix the colours and the skewed-ness, made some more blocks, carefully calculated my fabric *ie, did a guesstimate* and I think I have enough to finish it. I fell in love with this quilt all over again so it is staying out so that I keep it top-of-mind.

Quilt Along Sampler - In 2014 I started working on the Classic Meets Modern Quilt Along hosted by Erin at Sew At Home Mommy. I was excited to use some of my hand dyed fabric, and full of good intentions for this sampler but I run out of steam about half way through the year. It became another part project in a box and I had some feelings of guilt about the poor neglected blocks that I hadn't got round to making. The more I thought about it the worse it got. Hmmmm.... Time to reevaluate. I had listened to podcast recently about just this very topic... moving on the UFOs. So I laid out what I had done an assessed where it was at. Looked at the fabric I had. Looked through the blocks patterns that were left in the Quilt Along and decided that I didn't want to make those... not that there was anything wrong with them, but I had looked at them too many times thinking "I must...." and I was bored with them. I chose some new blocks to make from other web based Quilt Along and pattern sites. I've now made 9/12 blocks. I've cut pieces for the 10th, have a list of the remaining blocks and the website addresses for them, and have chosen a setting, which I have the fabric for. This UFO is moving on. So here is the before photo.... when I've made all the blocks I'll update with an after photo.
I think I could have called this post "Pot Luck" because there's a little bit of everything in here LOL. It should make for a fun, quilting and creative 2016.