Well I adopted a new cat... Tillie.
I went to the Quilt and Craft Fair held right here in Palmerston North for the first time and saw the 12 x 12 challenge ColourPlay quilts (which amazed me with their quality) and some fabulous merchant stalls:
I braved the cold on the Desert Road and went to Quilt Symposium in Taupo...
... where I saw Carole's beautiful quilt in the Tutor's exhibition
... and I went to a class in making Structured Fabrics with Dena Crain - I think the class was more structured than my fabric turned out to be but that's okay. Here is a layout being auditioned.
I had loads of fun in a class with Jenny Bowker working on Shimmering Triangles with Kaffe Fassett fabrics. Jenny is an incredible tutor who shares lots of inspiration, funny stories, knowledge and above all she rolls with the flow of where each different student is at.
This is one of Jenny's quilts that she brought along for inspiration.
The burst of sewing at Symposium left me realising that I have withdrawal symptoms. I'm on my last paper now for my course and am really looking forward to getting the machine out when I finish at the end of November.