Autumn has arrived in our little corner of the world though you can be barely tell from this photo from my window - not my garden, this is my neighbour's handiwork. We have had some of the frosted glass in our windorws replaced we plain glass and it has opened up our views of the the neighbouhood enormously.
The dogs are enjoying pretty walks around the surounding streets:

We are enjoying feijoa muffins. I love the gritty feeling feijoas have. My boss just bought in a big bag for me on Friday so it must be time I made another batch of these.

Allyson Gofton came to our library to speak and promote her new book "Bake" on Thursday. She talked about the emotional wellbeing that baking promotes, the sense of home that it creates. She was fantastic - she spoke for an hour and I could have listened for another hour.
Just recently I've found some great New Zealand blogs that I enjoy so I've added a "Close to Home" section to the sidebar. I used to think it didn't matter where blogs were from, the internet connects us all (and all that...) but I when I found these blogs I really liked the idea of connecting with local people. So check them out.